5 things to do while looking for a job

Version 3

Whether you are starting fresh, have just been set free (fired) or are in between jobs, looking for a new job can be extremely frustrating. Here are some tips to keep you sane, make the most of the time and even increase your chances of landing a job:

  1. Make the best of your time. While most people complain about not having enough time to do everything they want to do, you have all the time in the world. You can waste it by sleeping more, watching more TV, spending more time on the Internet etc. Or you can do more productive things like reading, writing, exercise, travel etc. But the best investment of your time is in learning things that will increase your ‘market value’ e.g. learn a language; teach yourself advanced computer skills; start a blog on something you care about… Wake up at six in the morning and do one or more of these as a “job”.
  2. Stay motivated. You hear about the bad economy, increased competition, unemployment rate, market conditions etc. but you manage to motivate yourself and start sending lots of applications. After a few interviews the ‘facts’ start to sink in and you start getting depressed. You allow your self-esteem and your confidence level to drop. Now you are not as enthusiastic and motivated at interviews; you get some more rejections; you get even more depressed… and the cycle repeats itself. Don’t let that happen. Be prepared for 100 interviews before getting a job, and do your best at every one of them. See each interview as part of the process, as another step towards the destination.
  3. Use all the resources. Remember that somebody somewhere wants to hire someone exactly like you. The more you reach out, the better your chances of connecting with that someone. Find job listings in every newspaper, magazine and website. Talk to headhunters – they are not just for top-level jobs. Connect with everyone you have ever known; social media like Facebook, Linkedin etc. make it easier than ever to find long lost friends and make new ones. Don’t be shy in letting the world know that you are looking for a job.
  4. Volunteer. Whether for a cause that you care about or at a job that interests you, volunteering allows you to keep busy, stay motivated and make new connections with potential employers.
  5. Try direct sales. Most direct selling companies are always hiring people without any relevant experience, regardless of the economic conditions. Good direct selling companies offer free training, excellent products, above-average income potential and regular motivation, and do not require more than 4-6 hours of daily commitment. It’s an excellent way to improve your communication skills, learn how to motivate yourself, make lots of new contacts and even make some money while looking for “the job”.

In summary, get out and get busy; have some daily routine; stay active and in touch with your field; learn new skills; try new things. Any employer will prefer to hire someone who has been busy and active, who has been doing ‘stuff’ while being ‘jobless’. Don’t wait to get lucky; the harder you work, the luckier you will get. Good luck!

6 thoughts on “5 things to do while looking for a job

  1. In my opinion, making the best of your time is perhaps the most important factor. If one can manage to follow a routine, the job is done. It would be nice if you could post something related to making a routine. Lots of people (including myself) seem to have trouble doing it.
    It is a very nice post as usual =)


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