Who is Making You Unhappy?

I faced a stressful situation today, and reminded myself: There’s only one person who is responsible for any stress in my life, and that’s me. And guess what, my stress vanished.

There’s only one person who is responsible for the quality of your life, happiness, health, relationships, motivation, job satisfaction, wealth and well being. And that’s you!

And the person who makes you unhappy, unhealthy, stressful, disappointed, frustrated, angry, lonely, lazy or poor is also you!

Who will you choose to be?

8 thoughts on “Who is Making You Unhappy?

  1. That is so true. Unhappiness is like a vicious circle that spreads from one to another and then comes back to us. So I choose to be a happy person :-)))))


  2. hehe.. i still remember the first time u told me tht. and u always tell me whenever i get upset or dissapointed that im the one who needs to decide to be happy girl or a sad, sulky girl 😛
    now u have it on ur blog 🙂
    lov u papa.
    thnks for all the support u have given me 🙂


  3. sadaf, when do i get to see/read your book?
    mashu, i am going to change my mind on that one any time soon 🙂
    tash, how’s it going in lahore?
    mukesh, which prize are you after, and from which country?


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