Happy May Day: I start as an entrepreneur today!

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First, a confession: I am very scared, though I keep telling myself ‘failure is an option, but fear is not’.

When I lost my job, I had two choices. On one hand, there were bills and mortgage, and the need to quickly start earning a stable income. I had been used to the comforts and securities of a ‘job’ for 27 years, so looking for another job seemed like the obvious choice.

But on the other hand, there was a dream and an option to finally pursue it. An opportunity to use my training skills to make a difference in many more lives, outside of one company. And to increase my income to match my dreams.

I chose risk, insecurity and uncertainty. I launched my training company, Dinchack. And today is officially the first day of operation. I started working at 0600 this morning, and I am very tempted to take the rest of the day off 🙂

What a great day to start a new venture. 1st May symbolizes a change of season in most countries – either the start of spring or of summer, depending on where you are. For me, it’s the beginning of the much awaited new chapter in my life!

1st May is also known as Labor Day, May Day or International Workers’ Day that’s celebrated in more than 80 countries. What better way to celebrate workers’ day than to start working for yourself!

You may check out Dinchack website here. And join Dinchack Facebook page for daily tips on happiness, motivation and success. Please feel free to leave any comments, good wishes or questions about Dinchack.

8 thoughts on “Happy May Day: I start as an entrepreneur today!

  1. Your first day as an entrepreneur and May Day! Wow! Congratulations Mush. You made it happen. May today be the beginning of the best days of your life, and the best is yet to come!

    God Bless.



  2. I worked for a very short period with ETL n realised that this is not my dream ….but I owe a great deal to u for your inspirational n motivating posts that has given me wings to fly n follow my dream …thank u ! Best wishes for ur new venture n I’m surely reading ur book Dinchack Life
    Kirti Sagar Kalay


  3. A very great sign to start as an entrepreneur on May Day or Labor Day ! You can do it Mush, just like when you first worked in ETL ! You can do telemarketing and advertising your company to other companies too. Best wishes !


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